Welcome to the Courage to Caregivers Store!

The mission of Courage to Caregivers is to provide hope, support, and courage to caregivers and loved ones of those living with mental illness.

Supporting someone you love who is living with mental illness can be stressful and may take a heavy toll on your personal health and well-being. In fact, research shows that the stress of being a caregiver can lead to caregiver burnout. This is exactly where Courage to Caregivers can make a difference - we see ourselves in the caregiver burnout prevention business.

We’ve created logowear - available on our Bonfire Store. Choose from our custom t-shirts (long and short-sleeved), sweatshirts (crewneck and hoodies) and even a few mugs with our logo and some of our favorite mantras. (Logowear is shipped directly to purchaser from Bonfire.)

HOT off the press — our 2021 journal — a Courage to Caregivers Resilience Guidebook - your guide to telling your story is now available for purchase. This compact (5"x7") journal follows our 2021 curriculum and includes weekly goal and journal prompts as well as affirmations, breathing techniques, inspirational quotes and micro self-care suggestions. Take a peek inside our journal here! (Journals are shipped directly to purchaser from our Ohio office.)

Courage to Caregivers Journal - Resilience Guidebook 2023

A Courage to Caregivers Guide to Telling Your Story. This compact (5"x7") journal is a REFRESHED version of our 2021 Journal and follows our 2023 curriculum and includes weekly goal and journal prompts as well as affirmations, breathing techniques, inspirational quotes and micro self-care suggestions.