Welcome to Pop-Up Peer Support

Our “Pop-Up Peer Support” program is helping us spread knowledge and awareness about the immense value of peer support and peer recovery support services. We are providing Pop-Up Peer Support at community events throughout Northeast Ohio with both a family peer support specialist and a recovery peer support specialist. Peer Supporters are offering 15-minute listening sessions as part of one-on-one conversations with people who have either caregiver lived experience or individual lived experience with behavioral health challenge. During these conversations, we provide a caring ear, resources, care navigation, information about becoming a certified peer supporter, guidance on employment opportunities for peer supporters, as well as resources for finding peer support for yourself or a loved one.

What is a Certified Peer Recovery Supporter (PRS)? 

A Certified Peer Recovery Supporter is an individual who uses their personal lived experience to support others. 

  • Adult Peer Supporters are personally in recovery from a mental health and/or substance use issues.

  • Youth Peer Supporters are personally in recovery and between the ages of 18-30.

  • Family Peer Supporters self-identify as the caregiver of an individual with behavioral health challenges (mental health/substance use disorder); and who has navigated service systems for at least one year on behalf of the individual.

  • Peer supporters can teach and model coping strategies for managing stress, anxiety, and other emotional challenges commonly faced in recovery.

  • Peer support reduces relapse rates by providing ongoing support and sustained recovery.