Book Club
November's Book Club will meet on Friday, November 15 at 11 am ET - and we will be discussing this TEDTalk by psychiatrist Robert Waldinger: "What Makes a Good Life? Lessons from the Longest Study on Happiness".
November's Book Club will meet on Friday, November 15 at 11 am ET - and we will be discussing this TEDTalk by psychiatrist Robert Waldinger: "What Makes a Good Life? Lessons from the Longest Study on Happiness".
In honor of November being National Family Caregivers Month, please join Courage to Caregivers for their 5th Annual Caring for the Caregivers Virtual Summit -Navigating the Journey of Caring. Tuesday, November 12-Wednesday, November 13-Thursday, November 14 from 11 am to 2:30 pm ET - register via Zoom. 3 days - 9 speakers focused on education, support, and empowerment for professional and unpaid family caregivers. Free continuing education units (CEUs) are available for social workers, counselors, behavioral health professionals, and certified peer supporters (3 CEU credits available per day).
Join us for our next Fireside Chat - Caregiver Essentials: Caring for the Entire Family on July 11, at 7:00 pm via Zoom.
Courage to Caregivers Director of Programs, Jenny Woodworth, LISW will be joined by Tameika Wright. July is Purposeful Parenting Month, and Jenny and Tameika will be discussing the essentials of caring for the entire family. This conversation will provide invaluable insights drawn from Tameika's experience as the Family Peer Support Training Coordinator for NAMI Ohio.
Mark your calendars for this enlightening discussion aimed at empowering caregivers and fostering understanding within our community.
Registration via Zoom in advanced is required.
May's theme is GROWTH MINDSET 🌱
We'd be remiss if we didn't pay homage to Dr. Carol Dweck - who coined the terms fixed and growth mindset - and read her (updated) "Mindset: Changing the way you think to fulfil your potential."
Come one - come all - NO need to have read the book! Mark your calendar for Friday, May 24 at 11 am ET - here's the link!
Courage to Caregivers is thrilled to announce our next Fireside Chat on May 9th at 7 pm EST, where we will be joined by Millie Vine and her mom, Jackie. May is National Mental Health Awareness Month, and Millie and Jackie will be discussing the essentials of caregiving for someone living with schizophrenia. Titled "Caregiving Essentials: Caring for Someone Living with Schizophrenia," this conversation will provide invaluable insights drawn from Millie and Jackie's personal experiences. Prepare to gain practical advice, tips, and tricks from these remarkable caregivers as they share their journey and offer guidance on navigating the challenges of supporting a loved one with schizophrenia. Mark your calendars for this enlightening discussion aimed at empowering caregivers and fostering understanding within our community. Advanced registration via Zoom is required.
Do you love creative expression?! Join us for our Create with Courage fundraising event on Sunday, November 5 from 1-4! We’ll have lots of way to express your creativity with stations and activities along the themes of Inspiration, Self-Care, Creative Artistic Expression and Gratitude. Contact Melissa@CourageToCaregivers for more information.
November is National Family Caregivers Month! Courage to Caregivers 5th Annual Virtual Summit - Journeying With Courage and Intention. Wednesday, November 1 - Friday, November 3. For Unpaid Family Caregivers and Professional Caregivers (free CEUs provided). Workshops focused on: mindset, practice, and self-compassion. Register via Eventbrite.
Caregiver Essentials: Advocating for Your Loved One Every Step of the Way, Thursday, September 28, 7:00pm ET.
Join Jenny Woodworth, Director of Programs, in a virtual conversation with Joan Englund, Executive Director of Mental Health & Addiction Advocacy Coalition, and Katie Jenkins, MPA, CDCA, Executive Director of NAMI Greater Cleveland, regarding advocacy both on a large scale and a small scale.
Do you have questions about how to best support your loved one during treatment? Or questions about policy regarding mental health and addiction? Then this is the Fireside Chat for you! Register here.
You can also ask your questions in advance - email Jenny!
Courage to Caregivers is thrilled to have been named the nonprofit partner for the 10th Annual Believe in CLE! Celebrate Cleveland Friday, September 1, 2023 from 6:30-8 pm with yoga practice and breathing meditation on the steps of The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame! We are beyond excited to partner with Inner Bliss Yoga Studio for this event benefiting the Courage to Caregivers Breathing Meditation program!
Registration is required - space is limited!
Home Grown!
Perennial Plant Sale
Fundraiser all proceeds to benefit Courage to Caregivers
Walter Stinson Community Park
2301 Fenwick Rd., University Heights
Plants for Sale
For shade garden:
• Astilbes 18-24” and 36”
• Variegated Hostas
• Blue Hostas
• Lady’s Mantle / Achemilla
• Ferns - Fiddlehead
For full sun garden:
• Bee Balm
• Shasta Daisies
• Echinacea/ Coneflower
• Joe Pye Weed / Eupatorium
• Yarrow
• Sedum -Autumn Joy
• Sedum - Stonecrop
Kristi and Jenny were selected to present: Preventing Caregiver Burnout: Illuminating Hope in Uncertain Times as a Mental Health America (MHA) Webinar on Wednesday, November 16 - time tbd.
When you take better care of yourself, you provide better care to others. As both professional and family caregivers, we recognize the importance of taking care of yourself and finding techniques to cope and manage the stress of caregiving, thereby reducing compassion fatigue and caregiver burnout.
Our presentation will cover understanding stress, the difference between compassion fatigue and caregiver burnout. Participants will leave feeling grounded, supported, with tools that they can incorporate for themselves (families/clients) for greater health and well-being.
For more information on registering for this webinar, visit the Mental Health America website. (coming soon)
Topics and Presenters:
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
9-10 am ET: “Grounded Movement: A Practical Approach to Listening to Our Inner Voice” with Tasha Brandt, MSW/LSW. During this session, Tasha will be leading a trauma-informed grounding visualization with the option of light somatic movement. Tasha will briefly introduce tools for nervous system regulation, such as bilateral stimulation, to help participants have practical tools to bring into their everyday lives.
10:15-11:15 am ET: “Because You Matter: Caregiver Health Tips & Tools” with Lana Amawi, CTC. In this session, Lana will cover methods to maintain good mental health while caregiving, including A-Z tips and tools to help you be stronger while taking care of others.
11:30 am-12:30 pm ET: “Expressive Arts as a Doorway to Self-Exploration, Gratitude and Joy” with Dr. Kellie Kirksey, PhD. In this workshop, we will give ourselves freedom to play, journal, scribble, move our bodies, and engage creativity as a means to infuse more joy and self-reflection into our daily lives. No prior art experience is necessary, but do bring a few sheets of paper, crayons, or markers, and a spirit of play!
Thursday, November 17, 2022
9-10:30 am ET: “The Why and How to Build Your Own Unique Caregiver Resilience Toolkit” with Dr. Mary Rensel, MD FAAN, and Ali Hively. In this session, a brain doctor and a life coach will teach you the why and how to build your own unique multisystem resiliency plan to support you in dealing with life’s constant changes. You will learn why, as a caregiver, you need such a plan to optimize the support you can give others and to maintain your ability to be your full self. We will then walk you through the framework, and you will leave with a supportive unique resiliency plan to support your important work as a caregiver.
10:45 am-12:15 pm ET: “Preventing Caregiver Burnout: Getting UNstuck: Moving From Languishing to Flourishing” with Cathy Varley, Kristi Horner, CFPS, and Jenny Woodworth, MSW/LSW. If there’s anything we’ve learned from the pandemic, it’s that the world is feeling stressed out, and many are burned out. The pandemic has been a source of additional trauma, especially for unpaid family caregivers as well as professional caregivers. This presentation begins with a breathing and meditation session as an embodied experience, then moves into a workshop that will cover the difference between compassion fatigue and burnout.
The deadline to register is November 14, 2022. Registration is available on Eventbrite
Kristi and Jenny were invited to present their workshop: Preventing Caregiver Burnout: Understanding Stress as part of Direction Home Akron Canton Area Agency on Aging and Disabilities Lunch & Learn Series on Wednesday, November 9 at 12:00 p.m. ET.
We often talk about feeling stressed. Understanding what causes stress, what it looks and feels like for each person, and learning ways to cope with stress can help each of us manage our daily lives. So, what is stress? Stress is defined as physical or emotional tension caused by thoughts or events. Stress is your body’s reaction to a challenge or demand. It can be helpful when it keeps you safe from harm or helps you achieve a goal but can be harmful when it lasts for a long time with no periods of relief.
Every time we solve a difficult problem, face an uncomfortable situation, or survive a crisis, we build confidence that we can do it again. You have the ability to thrive and grow as you gain coping skills and recognize your strengths and limits. Know what you can do, and know when to ask for help. You can be confident as you cope and manage the stress of daily life.
At Courage to Caregivers, we know that the stress of caregiving has been found to take ten years off of a caregivers life. Stress is literally killing us. Finding healthy coping strategies and techniques to reduce stress can ultimately prevent caregiver burnout and help caregivers reclaim ten years!
Kristi, Jenny and Cathy were selected to present their workshop: Preventing Caregiver Burnout: Illuminating Hope in Uncertain Times at the International OCD Foundation Online Conference on Saturday, November 5 at 3:45 p.m. ET.
When you take better care of yourself, you provide better care to others. Courage to Caregivers is in the caregiver burnout prevention business.
As both professional and family caregivers, we recognize the importance of taking care of yourself and finding techniques to cope and manage the stress of caregiving, thereby reducing compassion fatigue and caregiver burnout.
This workshop begins with a breathing meditation focused on compassion fatigue, as an embodied experience. Including: learning a breathing technique, light movement, a guided meditation centered on hope.
Followed by a presentation on understanding stress, the difference between compassion fatigue and caregiver burnout.
Participants will leave feeling grounded, supported, with tools that they can incorporate for themselves (families/clients) for greater health and well-being.
For more information on registering for this conference - visit the IOCDF Online Conference website.
ADAMHS Board of Cuyahoga County
Roads to Recovery '22: The Culture of Recovery
Registration Closes September 30
Kristi and Jenny will be presenting our workshop: Preventing Caregiver Burnout: What’s in YOUR Tool Kit?
Kristi and Jenny were invited to present their workshop on Compassion Fatigue as part of the Ohio Association of County Boards Serving People with Developmental Disabilities Executive Development Program on Wednesday, October 12.
In honor of September being Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month, we're hosting a Fireside Chat with our Community Alliance, LifeAct, on Thursday, September 29 at 7 pm ET.
Join us for our next Fireside Chat in our Caregiver Essentials series: Caring for Someone With Suicidal Ideation, with LifeAct instructor Cara Wright. LifeAct's mission is to prevent teen suicide by educating youth to recognize depression and the warning signs of suicide and access help for themselves and their peers. Register via Eventbrite.
Kristi and Jenny were invited to present their workshop: Preventing Caregiver Burnout: What’s in YOUR Courage Tool Kit? as part of Direction Home Akron Canton Area Agency on Aging and Disabilities Lunch & Learn Series on Monday, September 12 at 12:00 p.m. ET.
This workshop focuses on building courage. As professional and family caregivers we need courage in many different ways which have a significant impact on how well we manage stress. Sometimes we need to find the courage to have healthy boundaries, and learn to let go, allowing for insight into your abilities, strengths, and the importance of the task.
Kristi and Jenny were invited to present their workshop: Preventing Caregiver Burnout: Illuminating Hope in Uncertain Times as part of Direction Home Akron Canton Area Agency on Aging and Disabilities Lunch & Learn Series on Monday, July 11 at 12:00 p.m. ET.
When you take better care of yourself, you provide better care to others. Courage to Caregivers is in the caregiver burnout prevention business.
As both professional and family caregivers, we recognize the importance of taking care of yourself and finding techniques to cope and manage the stress of caregiving, thereby reducing compassion fatigue and caregiver burnout.
This presentation covers understanding stress, the difference between compassion fatigue and caregiver burnout.
Participants will leave feeling grounded, supported, with tools that they can incorporate for themselves (families/clients) for greater health and well-being.
In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, join Jenny Woodworth, Courage to Caregivers Director of Programs, in our next Fireside Chat with Dr. Stacy Caldwell, a psychologist at MetroHealth who sees children, adolescents, and adults, and Dr. John Hertzer, a psychiatrist and Director of the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at University Hospitals, sees children and adolescents.
This free, virtual event is on Wednesday, May 25 at 7:00 P.M. ET as part of our Caregiver Essentials Series: The Role of the Caregiver on the Care Team including discussion regarding finding the right diagnosis for our loved ones and other ways caregivers can work with professionals through the journey of supporting someone living with mental illness.
Kristi and Jenny were selected to present their workshop: Preventing Caregiver Burnout: Moving From Languishing to Flourishing at the Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) Trauma Informed Care Summit: Building upon Trauma Informed Care and Resilience: A Narrative for Healing and Hope on Wednesday, May 18 from 10:30 a.m.-12 noon and 2:45-4:15 p.m.
If there’s anything we’ve learned from the pandemic, it’s that the world is feeling stressed out and many are burned out - the pandemic has been a source of additional trauma, especially for professional caregivers as well as unpaid family caregivers.
We can move from languishing to FLOURISHING. It starts with understanding stress, what causes stress, and where we hold stress. Learning ways to cope with stress can help each of us manage our daily lives - moving from survival-mode to thrival-mode.
For more information on registering for this conference, visit the OhioMHAS Trauma Informed Care Summit website. (coming soon)
Kristi, Jenny and Cathy were selected to present their workshop: Preventing Caregiver Burnout: What’s in YOUR Courage Tool Kit? at the Ohio Children’s Alliance 46th Annual Spring Conference: Rise Up! on Friday, May 6 from 9:00-10:00 a.m. ET.
This workshop begins with Cathy leading a breathing meditation focusing on fear and courage, as an embodied experience, including breathing technique, light movement, and guided meditation. She will share the science behind the benefits of breathing and meditation in navigating stress and the trauma of caregiving. The second part of this workshop is a presentation facilitated by Kristi and Jenny focused on building courage. As professional and family caregivers we need courage in many different ways which have a significant impact on how well we manage stress. Sometimes we need to find the courage to have healthy boundaries, and learn to let go, allowing for insight into your abilities, strengths, and the importance of the task.
For more information on registering for this conference - visit the Ohio Children’s Alliance Rise Up! Conference website.
Join Courage to Caregivers for a free, virtual event on January 20 at 7:00 P.M. ET as part of our Caregiver Essentials Series: Caring for Someone Living with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Join Courage to Caregiver's Director of Programs, Jenny Woodworth, in a fireside chat with Dr. Elizabeth McIngvale. Attendees will be provided with resources and strategies for supporting a loved one living with OCD. LIVE via our YouTube channel here.
Beck Tennis Academy is hosting Clinic Days to Benefit Caregivers! All proceeds from tennis clinics on Wednesday, December 15 and Thursday, December 16 will go to Courage to Caregivers! There will also be an additional match play day on December 18! Click through for more information.
In recognition of November as National Family Caregivers Month, and in honor of YOU, we will present a free, interactive program, “Preventing Caregiver Burnout by Illuminating Hope,” on November 18 from 7:00-8:30 pm ET. This virtual event will include two components: a guided breathing meditation as an embodied experience focused on hope, and a presentation covering the evidence-based research and science that leads to finding hope and building resilience. Both the meditation and the presentation will be offered to support caregivers in their efforts to model hope and resilience for their families and themselves. Please register on Eventbrite.
50 and Fabulous!
Deluxe Cooking Class and Wine Tasting
Celebrate Leah’s BIG Birthday and a good cause at the same time!
This Illumination! 2021 Fundraising event is a VIRTUAL private event.
RSVP required through eVite link sent via email to guests.
Consider hosting your own Illumination! 2021 event! We’re here to support you for a successful event. Reach out for more information or visit our Illumination page!
Sweat it Out!
Bootcamp Benefit with Jamie and Lari
This Illumination! 2021 Fundraising event is an IN-PERSON private event.
RSVP required through eVite link sent via email to guests.
Consider hosting your own Illumination! 2021 event! We’re here to support you for a successful event. Reach out for more information or visit our Illumination page!
When one family member struggles with a mental illness, the entire family unit struggles. Caring for a loved can be very challenging and even punishing at times. Join us LIVE on YouTube on Friday, July 16 at 3 p.m. EST on Michelle's Conversations that Matter for a powerful conversation with Kristi Anderson Horner. We will talk about her work and her organization Courage to Caregivers and what it takes to care for those who care for others.
If you have a loved one in your life who is suffering, you are a caregiver and you should tune into this conversation to watch and ask your questions via our LiveStream chat. Together we are stronger!
24-Day Self-Care Challenge - July 1 -24, International Self-Care Day.
The self-care challenge will incorporate daily micro self-care ideas to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Follow along on social media - on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn @CourageToCaregivers. On Twitter @courage2carecle.
The challenge culminates on Courage to Caregivers' 2nd Annual Day of Giving - July 24. Donations to Courage to Caregivers make a significant difference for caregivers in need - our programming is currently provided at no cost to caregivers.
On Saturday, July 24, we will hold a live event via social media to wrap-up the self-care challenge and discuss how to create sustainable self-care practices. Please join us via our social media accounts daily throughout the month of July for tips and incentives provided by Kickstart Accounting, our corporate sponsor for this challenge.
Host Your Own Fundraising Event!
Illumination! 2021 - a series of intimate gatherings from Summer to Winter Solstice. Consider hosting your own Illumination! 2021 event! We’re here to support you for a successful event. Reach out for more information or visit our Illumination page!