Posts tagged Mapping Your Journey
JANUARY 2025 Newsletter: Setting Intentions in 2025 to Guide Your Personal Growth 🌱

"I don't have any control over what actually happens except for that I have full control over my will for myself, my intention, and why I'm there. That's all that matters." ~ SZA

Each new year greets us with possibilities. Possibilities for ourselves, for our loved ones, for our communities. In December, we examined how we can take advantage of hope and opportunity and channel our inner calm to prepare us for the challenges that come our way. Now, at the beginning of 2025, we are ready to reflect on what we already have inside of ourselves and SET INTENTIONS that turn our possibilities into reality.

So how do we begin? Setting intentions does not need to be difficult. By looking at the strengths and skills we already have within us, we can recognize the tools we can use to foster our growth such as creativity, compassion, and dedication. Additionally, we can use "I will" statements rather than "I want" or "I won't" phrases so that our intentions can be shaped by what we already have and provide us the opportunity to grow. By crafting clear intentions, we can guide our decision-making and behavior to align with our goals.


  1. Find Your Inner Peace. Start with the person you are in this moment. Remind yourself of who you are, what you value, and how you can leverage your strengths.

  2. Remember, You Have the Power to Design Your Own Life. You get to decide what your life becomes! Reflect on your values and strengths to see what areas you would like to focus on this year.

  3. Practice Self-Compassion. Obstacles are bound to happen! Be gentle with yourself and remember that, you are doing everything you can in this moment with the knowledge and resources you have. Progress is the goal, not perfection. You got this!

Check out our entire January newsletter focused on Setting Intentions here.

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Preparing for a Journey Like No Other

"Tell your story because your story will heal you and it will heal someone else.” ~ Iyanla Vanzant 

When I was expecting our first child, 34 years ago, we purchased a book titled “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” by Arlene Eisenberg. It had been recently published and was dubbed the “pregnancy bible.” We devoured it, quickly followed by “What to Expect the First Year.” We read the books, took all the classes we could, and followed the doctor’s orders (my husband had a LOT of questions). Even though we had plenty of experience as babysitters, camp counselors, and Sunday school teachers, we were as nervous as we could be – we (still) can’t believe they let us take home our little bundle of love. Yet, with all that preparation, we didn’t have a road map for what would come. (Back then, we would have gone to AAA and asked for a Triptik.) 

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JANUARY 2024 NEWSLETTER: Manifesting a Practice of Setting Intentions

January is often a time of reflection, and a new year offers new beginnings. Throughout January we have been focused on our theme of SETTING INTENTIONS. An intention is a personal commitment from YOU to YOU - how do you want to BE/become? Setting intentions requires a great deal of self-awareness. We started with mapping your journey, then explored expectations and open-mindedness, and rounded out with moving from survival to thrival.

Here are 5 tools for setting intentions in 2024:

  1. Start with mindfulness and come as you ARE. With a focus on inner peace, notice and connect with the most authentic version of yourself - with intention

  2. Next, what's most important to you - what are your core values? And leverage your strengths! 

  3. Then, remember, YOU are the designer of your own life. Who do you want to BE/become? What do you want more of? 

  4. Cultivate the power of intentional thinking - your mindset matters - how will you show up in 2024 for YOU? 

  5. Practice self-compassion as you plan for obstacles - be gentle with yourself - I have confidence you're doing the best you can in this moment with what you have. Focus on progress, not perfection.

Check out our entire January newsletter focused on SETTING INTENTIONS here!

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Creating a Personal Guide Map

“One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through, and it will be someone else’s survival guide.” – Brené Brown

The beginning of a new year is a great time to celebrate for a couple of reasons. First, we can look back at the prior year and reflect on all the things we achieved and how much progress we made along our journey. Even though we may have faced challenges along the way, my guess is that there are many things – big or small – that you can point to that helped you grow throughout the year.

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January Newsletter: Setting Intentions - Make it a practice in 2023!

Throughout January we have been focused on the theme of  SETTING INTENTIONS. An intention is a personal commitment to YOU - how do you want to BE/what do you want to BECOME? 

Setting intentions requires a great deal of self-awareness. We explored mapping your journey as a caregiver - managing expectations (of ourselves and others) - and open-mindedness.

"Self-awareness is important when setting intentions. It’s the ability to possess the knowledge, understanding, and recognition of who you are. Knowing yourself means being mindful of your disposition, character, motives, strengths, weaknesses, passions, and desires. Self-awareness allows us to identify what makes us unique in terms of our thoughts and actions. Having all this information can be empowering; you are more likely to be introspective and ready to decide on your intentions when you know yourself, which is an important element of healing and transformation." ~ Diana Raab

What if setting intentions feels HARD?  Maybe you're worried about not living into your intention? Or perhaps you're concerned about facing your fears or are feeling discouraged or even disappointed?

We all get off track sometimes. Practice self-compassion - be gentle with yourself.  You've done hard things before - you can do it again! Take a pause - consider where you went off course - and commit to trying again tomorrow. Recommit in a kinder and gentler way.

Today, I will be more present.

This month, I will practice patience.

This year, I will celebrate my progress. 

Remember - it's not about perfection - it's about PROGRESS. 

I am a perfectly imperfect perpetual work in progress. 

Check out our entire January Newsletter focused on Setting Intentions here.

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The Next Stage of Your Journey

At the start of a new year, we all tend to both reflect on the prior year and look forward to the coming year. My guess is you’ve grown in many wonderful ways since the beginning of 2022, and that’s worthy of celebrating! But perhaps you also feel stagnant or stuck in some ways, and those would be good things to work on in 2023. And we hope this month’s theme of setting intentions and this week’s topic of mapping your journey will help you continue your process of self-growth and dreaming BIG. 

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