AUGUST 2024 Newsletter: We Can ALL Be Advocates

"All advocacy is, at its core, an exercise in empathy.” ~ Samantha Power⁣​​​​​​​​​

There are so many ways we can show up as advocates. ADVOCACY is defined by the Missouri Foundation for Health as “any action that speaks in favor of, recommends, argues for a cause, supports or defends, or pleads on behalf of others.” As caregivers, we balance many of these roles as we stand up for ourselves, our loved ones, and fellow caregivers.

The West Virginia University Health Science Center denotes three types of advocacy: self-advocacyindividual advocacy, and systems advocacy.

There are numerous ways we can be advocates, but, as Erin Galyean emphasizes in her book "Badass Advocate," we can't do them alone. That's why this month we have stressed the importance of CREATING our support networks, MANAGING our stress, and COMMUNICATING effectively. By finding hope and support in one another, we can heal and recover together.

"A Badass Advocate doesn't try to do it all by herself, rather she leads to a strong team who works to fight for the patient." Erin Galyean, author of "Badass Advocate"

Check out our entire August newsletter focused on Advocacy here.