The Right Way to Grieve Is YOUR Way

This week’s topic is a universal one. Everyone experiences grief and loss. The death of a loved one may be the first thing that comes to mind, but we can also feel grief over many other situations in life, such as the end of a relationship. Caregivers often experience complicated grief – long-term, unresolved, persistent grief, ambiguous grief, loss without closure or clear understanding, or the loss we feel when a loved one is still living but not fully present.

Grieving after a loss is normal. It can be a combination of feelings such as shock, confusion, anxiety, anger, regret, and sadness. The mixture of feelings can change from minute to minute or from day to day. But just as each loss is unique, the way we grieve is also unique to each individual. The only right way to grieve or feel loss is YOUR way.

With that said, here are five tools that may help you navigate your own way through a time of grief and loss:

  1. BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF: Practice self-compassion. What would you say to a dear friend in this moment? Remember, this journey isn't linear. There's no “getting over it.” It’s about moving forward with it.

  2. FEEL ALL THE FEELS: Grief is like a roller coaster. One day you might be up, and the next you might be down. Allow yourself to feel and process all the emotions.

  3. LET OTHERS IN: Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Others may want to support you, but they don’t know how. Let them know what YOU need.

  4. FIND SUPPORT: Find a community that understands and cares. Join a grief group or a support group.

  5. PROCESS IT: Taking time to process your loss is essential to moving forward with your grief. Accepting your strong feelings is a place to start. Pause … notice … breathe.

Remember, you process your grief in your own way, but that doesn’t mean you have to go down that path alone. Courage to Caregivers is here for you when you need us. Skills that you’ve developed through breathing meditation, coaching group, or peer support sessions can help you in your journey.

For more resources, check out our “Navigating Grief and Loss” page on our website.

Grief is a strong and often overwhelming emotion that is part of everyone’s journey. How you navigate that grief is as individual, different, and personal as you are, and that is what’s best for YOU.