Disruptive Calm

For caregivers, there are some days when we long for just a few moments of peace. Everyone needs us right now, everything feels like a crisis (or actually is a crisis), and life seems to be spinning out of control and into chaos. This week’s topic suggests a way to disrupt that chaos, through inner calm.
Chaos can be caused by many things, both within and outside of our control. One step to inner calm is to identify the things we can control, and let go of the things we can’t change. For example, if the house is messy and the dishes are piling up, we can do those tasks or delegate them to others. On the other hand, if our loved one is struggling with strong emotions or symptoms, we can’t change that, but we can provide support to help our loved one cope. Realizing the difference between what we can and can’t control allows us to find peace-filled ways to deal with the chaos, emotional turmoil, and anything else that life throws our way.

Mindfulness can help us find and keep our inner calm. Only a few moments of meditation and mindfulness each day can allow us to view our lives without judgment, recognize our blessings as well as challenges, and experience the calm and peace that we long for.

We may not realize the many options we have to help us experience inner calm. Here are some of them:

  • Spending time in nature

  • Exercising

  • Doing something kind for others

  • Listening to music

  • Creating art

  • Deep breathing

  • Playing with a pet

  • Decluttering

  • Laughing

  • Loving unconditionally

  • Taking care of your health

  • Setting goals

  • Speaking your mind

  • Enjoying some “me” time

  • Connecting with your spirituality

  • Playing

Any of these can be self-care, and it’s not selfish to recognize and meet your own needs to feel calm and peaceful. As we say so often at Courage to Caregivers, you can’t be an effective caregiver (and a healthy person) if you don’t take care of yourself as well.
The way you present yourself to the world reflects the way you feel inside. Do you want to present a look and feel of chaos, like a tornado, or of peace, like a field of wildflowers? It only takes a few moments each day to make the difference. Remember that YOU are worthy of inner calm.