9 MORE DAYS to register!
9 MORE DAYS to register!
Courage to Caregivers is thrilled to have been named the nonprofit partner for the 10th Annual Believe in CLE! Celebrate Cleveland Friday, September 1, 2023 from 6:30 - 8 p.m (doors open at 5 pm!) with a yoga practice and breathing meditation on the steps of The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame! We are beyond excited to partner with Inner Bliss Yoga Studio for this event benefiting the Courage to Caregivers Breathing Meditation program!
How does breathing meditation tie into yoga? Proper breathing is an essential part of yoga. Courage to Caregivers Breathing Meditation classes are led by credentialed yoga instructors and allow caregivers to better manage day-to-day and critical stressful situations. Utilizing proper breathing techniques is vital to the regulation of our stress levels. Through teaching a variety of breathing practices, meditation techniques, and yogic movement, these tools become portable and sustainable self-care for caregivers, thereby improving their health and well-being, and allowing them to provide better care for their loved ones.
You can help us in reaching our goal of $15,000 for this event, which will fund our breathing and meditation program for one year! Your donation has a major impact! A gift of $25 provides a caregiver in need with a custom caregiver journal, $50 provides a breathing meditation session, and $100 provides breathing meditation and support group for a caregiver in need of support. YOUR donation helps us prevent caregiver burnout!
Join us at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on September 1 and experience the power of moving and breathing together at this famous Cleveland location! ALL levels of yoga practice are welcome - from novice to advanced! Register is required - space is limited! You may donate to Courage to Caregivers for your participation here.
As we support caregivers to make breathing and meditation a practice, we're pleased to share that during this event our Breathing Meditation Facilitator Cathy will lead participants in a heart-centered and grounding breathing meditation, preparing them for their yoga practice. Cathy is also featured in monthly breathing practice how-to and breathing meditation videos. You can register for our weekly Breathing Meditation classes here, or subscribe to our Breathing Meditation playlist, where we upload our weekly breathing meditation recordings, and follow along on our Spotify Breathing Meditation playlist.