Take a Break, Find Your Sanctuary

My time in my garden is precious to me. It feels very therapeutic to dig in the dirt. I love how the colors, scents, textures, and sounds activate ALL of my senses while I’m gardening. And there’s something magical about watching things grow and thrive before my eyes. My garden shows me that change for the good may be hard, but it is possible. My garden shows me HOPE. It’s my sanctuary.

This week’s topic focuses on the importance of creating your sanctuary and having a peaceful atmosphere at home. We all need a safe space, somewhere to go to escape from the outside world, to take a break from our caregiving duties, to recharge, and to relax. A sanctuary can be a physical place, a mental space, or a combination of both. It gives you peace and frees you from the chaotic world. And it’s uniquely yours.

For many people, their home is their sanctuary. The home is a natural place to cultivate an atmosphere that is full of things that bring joy and peace – calming colors, comfortable fabrics, mementos from happy times, relaxing music, scented candles, etc. It’s a place where you can sit, allow your thoughts to slow or stop, and center yourself before returning to the hectic pace of life.

Yet, I understand that many homes can be crowded, noisy places much of the time. But the home can still serve as your sanctuary. All you need to do is find some space (or time) to be alone, relax, and recharge your emotional and physical batteries.

Here are three tools that may help you create a peaceful atmosphere at home:

  1. MINDFULNESS: Consider breathing and meditation to create inner peace and stillness. Safely step away from your caregiving duties if you need to. It’s OK to take a break. Listen to your body. What does it need?

  2. PRESENCE: Be in the present moment. Focus on how you want to BE vs. what you need to DO.

  3. FOCUS ON WHAT’S IN YOUR CONTROL: You are in control of your emotional response to everything going on around you.

Nature can also be your sanctuary. As I mentioned above, I find sanctuary in my garden. I’m also a sucker for a good sunrise (or sunset). It’s a reminder that today (or tomorrow) is a new day, full of hope, promise, opportunity, and possibility.

Find your sanctuary, and visit it often. Each time you visit your sanctuary, it’s like a brand-new start. It allows you to step back, regain control, re-examine what needs to be done, and make changes if needed. It allows you to be a better YOU.