10 Ways to Have Fun

Most people who are caregivers didn’t choose that role. It was brought on by life circumstances. Our love for another individual led us to take on responsibilities that we had little experience or training for.
The problem is that this may lead us to focus on caregiving largely to the exclusion of anything else. That’s when our own well-being can suffer, and that brings us to this week’s topic of “ME” time.
At Courage to Caregivers, we believe that when you’re able to take some ME time, you’re also able to take better care of those you love. It’s that simple, but oh-so-hard to do!
So, here are 10 ideas that may help you take some ME time … and to have fun doing it!

  1. Complete a project. Maybe do a craft, do some repairs at home, or try out a new recipe.

  2. Explore the possibilities of your tech devices. Many local stores offer free classes, or you can watch YouTube videos (and impress your kids).

  3. Learn something new. Take a class. From learning a new language, to baking bread, to appreciating wine … anything that stimulates your brain is good.

  4. Change your routine. Check out a new store or take a walk in the park instead of going to the gym. Change can help you recharge.

  5. Go on an adventure. Explore your community, try a new restaurant or coffee shop, check out a museum. Do something you always wanted to do, but never got around to doing it. 

  6. Take yourself out to breakfast. It’s a great way to start the day.

  7. Tackle a challenge. Sign up for an athletic event, fundraiser walk or run, or try a new sport. Testing your physical limits can be invigorating.

  8. Take a personal day. Arrange care for your loved one and just stay home and hibernate.

  9. Pamper yourself. It can help you physically and mentally feel good about yourself.

  10. Unplug. Turn off all of your devices and just reconnect with yourself. Read a book (a real one), magazine, or newspaper. Or just daydream. Take time to think, and just listen to YOU.

And remember, we’re always here to listen to YOU.