Courage to Caregivers - A Heart Story

At Courage to Caregivers, we are in the heart business. . .
We work with people who are loving on those who are living with mental illness.
Check out this heart story. . .

“After my brother, a loving father of four children, lost his job at age 60, a sudden attack of great despair and grief overcame him. I was his one and only listening and loving being. It was unchartered territory for me. I was certainly 'there' for him but I was scrambling for more tools and knowledge on how to respond to his cries from the depths. I called Kristi, my dear friend at Courage to Caregivers and was given immediate and 'lifesaving' attention. As I practiced and utilized the tools and tips, I also developed greater confidence and learned the importance of self-care as a caregiver. My brother has made amazing strides, does not talk about taking his life now, and our sister/brother relationship has strengthened in a loving and trusting way. I am forever grateful for Courage to Caregivers and their tools for life!”  - Anonymous

Maybe this is you. . . 

Maybe this is someone that you know. . .

We need all types of help at Courage to Caregivers – from volunteers to donors to people who have a loved one who is struggling and want to participate in our programs. 

If you want to learn more, all you need to do is to reply to this email.  I’m here to listen, whether you need support or you want to give support to others.

And, here’s the best news. . . We are going to be launching our One-to-One Caregiver Support Pilot Program shortly.  This program will help you to connect to other people who have gone through the myriad of challenges that caregivers see on an everyday basis.  There’s no charge and everything you share stays confidential.

Are you interested?  If you are, reply to this email and I’ll put you on a list to get paired as soon as our pilot launches!

Email me now. . .


Kristi Horner
Founder and Executive Director